Friday, February 4, 2011

A Morsel of Wisdom

When you sneak books at bedtime, it's very important to line them all up and categorize them by helps mommy & daddy laugh at you instead of being in trouble for getting out of bed :)


Phil and Bri said...

oh my word, this is adorable!!! At least it is books and not toys! :) And totally forgot we were asking for a name for days from you guys :) haha!Thanks for your wisdom too!

Unknown said...

bahahahaha she is soooooo SMART, WISE and CUNNING!!! well...maybe not wise :)))) I LOVE HER!!!!

brooke. said...

Look at her in her big girl bed! I love this girl!

Danielle said...

LOL! This is awesome! A girl after my own heart... ♥ organizing :)